Alexander Urbanism

Some more projects

Mannum Waters
Mannum is a town on the Murray River, an hour's drive from Adelaide. Mannum Waters is a southward extension of the town, providing a marina to berth houseboats, three commercial sites, and several hundred house sites. To date, about half the land has been released for sale.
Nathan Alexander prepared the concept plan used to gain a rezoning of the site.
Olaya Corridor
The Olaya corridor is a strategic urban corridor north of downtown Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, bounded by a motorway on one side and a major arterial road on the other. At the time of the study, the corridor was mostly vacant, but developed on the southern end by low and mid rise buildings.
The Riyadh city government recognised the corridor's potential for major and high-class development as an extension of the downtown with excellent transport access.
Nathan Alexander prepared a study showing the development potential of the corridor, using height controls that respected the Saudi concern for privacy.
Several years after this work, the corridor became the site of the Kingdom Tower.

Broadoak Waters
Nathan designed the layout and indicative built form of a six hundred dwelling estate on a twenty hectare site by the Parramatta River, Sydney. The cost of project in the late 90's was estimated as $250 m. The site is now fully developed.
Two Wells Town Centre
Two Wells is a small town just north of the Adelaide metropolitan area with a rapidly growing residential population. Founded to service traffic on the main north road out of Adelaide, it was bypassed in the 1970's. With twenty-eight hectares of underused government-owned land between the main street and the highway, the community was unsure how to proceed when approached by a development company that wished to build a big-box retail centre on the land.
Using a thorough community engagement process, Nathan Alexander prepared an urban design framework for the town centre to guide future development. Extensive analysis, design options and development scenarios led to a design that maximised the highway exposure while integrating the big-box retailing into the existing town centre.
Blakeview Estate
A 350 lot estate on the fringe of Adelaide with a range of lot sizes and housing types. The design retained significant endemic vegetation and maximised connectivity with the existing urban area adjoining to the south.
Hillbank Estate
The site was on the fringe of Adelaide adjoining existing residential development and metropolitan open space. A case had to be built to achieve a swap between private land and public open space, to achieve adequate fire access and disperse traffic.
The 107 lot estate design minimized development expense, provided several more lots than required, while maximizing views, solar orientation and access to public space.