Alexander Urbanism
Our services for
Our services for
Places managers
and facility managers
Our services for
Planners and regulators
Estate master plans
Large site layout plans
Concept design of streets, plazas and parks
Design brief preparation and tender assessment
Design management
Design guidelines
Design advice for development applications
Urban design comments reports
Expert evidence
Peer review of master plans and layout plans
Master planning
Master plan peer reviews
Design brief preparation and tender assessment
Design management
Design standards
Streetscape concept plans
Plaza concept plans
Technical notes
Peer review of designs
Urban design frameworks
Public space use analysis
Design policy preparation
Design policy review
Strategy plans
Design guidelines
Design studies
Structure plans
Pre-application design discussions
Design assessment of proposals
Expert evidence
Review of regulations
Our clients
Our clients range from first-time individuals to very experienced executives. Private developers such as the GPT Group and government organisations such as the City of Melbourne can choose consultants from around the world to help them; we are pleased they have chosen Alexander Urbanism.
We work to really know each client, and to understand what they need. We deliver the agreed product to the agreed scope at the agreed time - or do better. As a result, we enjoy strong repeat business.
We deliberately work closely with both public and private clients. Our understanding of what the public sector wants helps us obtain development approvals. Our understanding of what the private sector wants helps us shape public strategies and controls. Working for both sectors sharpens our commercial instincts, keeps us politically pragmatic, and creates better places.
If you want to know how well we have assisted clients like you, ask us and we'll put you in touch with some of them.
Our key expertise is the planning, designing and assessment of the urban public realm. Our clients call the type of work we do strategic planning, master planning and urban design. Our project work has titles such as:
Concept plan Master plan Structure plan Strategy plan Design framework
Design guidelines Design brief Peer review Expert evidence Quality audit
At the small scale we work on streets, plazas and the siting and exterior design of buildings. At the larger scale we work on town centres, neighbourhoods and estates. We design new neighbourhoods. We love helping existing neighbourhoods become better. We really love turning good streets and squares into great ones. And we especially love working up town centre public realms until they buzz.