Alexander Urbanism

Expert evidence
Alexander Urbanism prepares and presents expert urban design evidence. In Victoria, we appear in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and at Planning Panels Victoria (PPV). Our opinions are sought by developers, objectors and regulators. We firstly consider if we can support the position of the party approaching us, are available during the scheduled hearing dates, and are free of conflicts of interest. The methodology we use is customised for each case. We typically consider the wider strategic planning context, the existing and preferred character of the site and locality, the building height and form, facades, and landscaping.
​We provide expert urban design evidence on all aspects of the experience of the public urban environment. This includes buildings, streetscapes, localities and advertising signs.​

Alexander Urbanism supported this proposed apartment building as having an acceptable height, form and architectural expression for its main road position. [Image: LD Architects]

Alexander Urbanism prepared this model to demonstrate the effect of the proposed building on its inner urban location.

Alexander Urbanism supported the responsible authority's view that this development proposal was contrary to the built form policies for the business park it was located within. [Image: Hayball]